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zaterdag 22 november 2008

Update on Linguistic Cleansing: Berufs Verbote

Berufs Verbote

'De Walen, die willen niet werken' (The Walloons, they do not want to work). It's an often uttered complaint in Flanders. But some Flemish enterprises in Brussels do not want them to work. They not only require their employees to be bilingual, but they have to be Native Dutch Speaking too. This is indicated as Nederlands: moedertaal. This means if you were born in Brussels or Wallonia, and your mother spoke French, you do not qualify. This is completely illegal. If you are discriminated in a public service you can address your complaints to the 'Commission permanente de Contrôle linguistique/Vaste Commissie van Taaltoezicht': Mme Annelies Van Cauwelaert-De Wyels (N/F),  E-mail :, Tél : 02 518 23 34. Complaints about private firms can be addressed by email to, phone at 02.536.01.34. or fax at 02.646.28.61.. See also

Look at the following adds

Discrimination Add 1

zondag 16 november 2008

Zaventem, foreigners not so welcome

A journalist from the Brussels weekly magazine The Bulletin phoned subsequently to Haarlemmermeer Town Hall (near Amsterdam Airport) and to the Town Hall of Zaventem (near Brussels Airport) to inquire the possibility to start a bussines over there. He was helped in English at Haarlemmermeer, but at Zaventem nobody could help him out, because the employees were not allowed to speak another language than Dutch. This is a sad story where stupid nationalists are refraining the economic development of Brussels and Belgium as a whole. Zaventem is the Belgian International Airport. A friendly gentleman has scanned the weekly for me. Look at the scans below.