Google Vertaal

dinsdag 31 maart 2009

De Google Paradox

Permalink, 1 April 2009

'Googlen' is een werkwoord geworden in onze taal, synoniem voor zoeken op het Web. Het probleem is dat we er zo kritiekloos mee omgaan, alsof Google alle antwoorden heeft. Ons vertrouwen in Google berust echter op een misvatting volgens Siva Vaidhyanathan, professor in de Bibliotheekwetenschappen:
"....We do not properly understand the nature of the nature of the transaction between us and Google. ...into our relationship with Google we do not grasp that we are not really Google's costumers. Google calls us users, but in fact we are Google's products. Our attention is what Google sells to its customers, which are the advertisers." (BBC interview)

We zijn dus geen klanten van Google, maar Google gebruikt onze argeloze aandacht en nieuwsgierigheid om zijn adverteerders te bedienen.

Volgens prominente linguisten zoals Arbib en Lakoff verklaren spiegelneuronen de biologische ontwikkeling van het menselijk taalvermogen (Arbib, 2005; Gallese, Lakoff, 2007). Ze maken het in alle geval mogelijk dat we elkaar begrijpen zelfs in dubbelzinnige situaties die weinig aanknopingspunten bieden. Omdat spiegelneuronen het mogelijk maken ons in de schoenen van iemand anders te plaatsen kunnen we ook zijn intenties begrijpen. Ook als we zoeken met Google maken we op een of andere manier onze intenties duidelijk. Google krijgt onze aandacht gratis. De vraag is schenkt Google ook aandacht aan ons, of loert het gewoon van achter een doorkijkspiegel naar ons terwijl het ons wat brokjes informatie toegooit die al of niet relevant zijn voor onze vraag.

Google tips and tricks: find definitions and define price ranges

Permalink, 31 March 2009

In a previous article we showed that Google is rather refraining the development of search technology instead of advancing it. But there is more. Google seems also to hide some undocumented search options. When you go to 'advanced search' you can use options like 'site:' , 'filetype:', 'allintitle:' when you want to specify that you only want results from a specified domain, in a specified file type or only those who have your search term in the title. There is another undocumented option: 'define:'

Its quite simple just type

define: adhd

define: swaps

define: schizophrenia

or another word you want the definition of and Google will return 10 to 20 definitions from trusted sites like Wikipedia,, etc. You can even get those definitions in other languages like French, Italian, German or Russsian.

It's a quick way to find a definition when you do not have the time to read the article in the Wikipedia.

vrijdag 27 maart 2009

Identiteit: Vlaams, Belgisch of beide?

Published by e-zine De Groene Belg
Author: Etienne Vermeersch
Etienne Vermeersch

Zonder vooroordelen

Om een dieper inzicht te krijgen in de problemen waarmee België momenteel wordt geconfronteerd, en die tot een splitsing kunnen leiden, is het nuttig een theoretisch onderzoek te doen naar de factoren die natievorming en nationalisme beïnvloeden en dus eventueel ook de teloorgang ervan kunnen veroorzaken. Om dit onderzoek een wetenschappelijk statuut te verlenen, moet het sine ira et studio gebeuren: men moet geen voorafgaande vooroordelen hebben betreffende het al dan niet positief of negatief karakter van nationalisme en 'identiteit' of voor het al dan niet voortbestaan van bepaalde staten.

woensdag 25 maart 2009

Boer Niels en Ezelin Brenda


Author: Don Fabulist

donfabulistaliasdirksluysIn de dorpspolder van Zwankendamme woonde boer Niels in een boerderijtje. Vroegtijdig stierf zijn levensgezellin enkinderen liet ze hem niet na. Na de dood van zijn vrouw verwaarloosde Niels de landerijen. e boerderijdieren deed hij van de hand, maar van de ezelin Brenda kon hij geen afstand doen. Bij versomberd gemoed bleef zij zijn lichtpunt.

Toch mocht niet gezegd worden dat de eenzaat het zonder menselijke vriendschap stellen moest. Vooral in de kroegen was hij een graag geziene gast. Met Niels onder het avondlijk cafédak draaide de donkerste stemming naar een zonnige zijde. Met Niels aan de toog verbroederden zich de ergste vijanden. Velen waren dan ook diep geschokt door het drama dat tijdens een decembernacht plaatsvond.

In zijn stamstaminee zette Niels een punt achter een avondje zwalken. Hij luidde er de klepelklok voor een laatste rondje, dronk er zijn pint leeg en nam er uitbundig afscheid van vrienden en vriendinnen. Zijn opgewektheid kende een nooit gezien hoogtij.

"Met zijn vrolijkheid wilde hij verbergen wat hij doen ging," zeiden de polderbewoners naderhand.

Hun besef kwam te laat. De volgende dag werd Niels thuis dood aangetroffen. Gekoord hing hij koud aan de zolderingbalk. Niemand kon diep genoeg in het eenzame mensenhart kijken. Daarom kon ook niemand begrijpen wat Niels bewoog om zo gruwzaam heen te gaan.

Hoge Hoed en Scheve Klak


Author: Don Fabulist

sea_cleaning_fishIn een hut aan het strand van de zee huisde een visser. Om de zee te bevaren had hij slechts een roeiboot. Om te vissen bezat hij enkel een hengel. De visser was arm.

De visser droeg een klak. Terwijl de meeste vissers de klak recht op het hoofd hadden staan, stond zijn klak scheef. Daarom werd hij Scheve Klak genoemd.

Scheve Klak was de armste van allemaal, maar als hij op de zee roeide en de zon haar gouden stralen over het watervlak uitgoot, dan dacht hij: hoeveel mensen mogen er zeggen dat ze varen op een zee van goud?

Landinwaarts woonde een heer. De landerijen uit de wijde omtrek behoorden hem toe. De schepen op de zee waren zijn eigendom. De heer was rijk.

De rijke heer droeg een hoge hoed. Omdat hij als enige een hoge hoed droeg, noemde men hem Hoge Hoed.

De boeren boerden voor Hoge Hoed. De vissers visten voor hem. Alleen Scheve Klak viste niet voor Hoge Hoed. Dat was dan ook de reden waarom Scheve Klak de allerarmste was.

Hoge Hoed kende slechts één bezigheid: tellen. Hij nam een goudstuk tussen duim en wijsvinger, hield het voor de ogen, telde het bij een optelsom op en gooide het bovenop een goudstukkenstapeltje.

Hoge Hoed geraakte niet uitgeteld. Het stapeltje werd een stapel. Hij telde en hij telde. De stapel verhoogde tot een bergje. Hij cijferde en hij cijferde. Het bergje groeide uit tot een berg.

vrijdag 20 maart 2009

a common ground for search in real life and search using computers


cg2Googling has become a verb in our language. This shows the deep impact of Google on our culture and our lives. But Google is not primarily about searching. Google is an information shovel selling adds. In a previous article I intuitively described contextual search as finding information on the web not using Google. I was a little bit surprised about the interest for the story, because the idea of contextual search was still an embryonic idea. In this article I will develop this idea of contextual search further correlating to and in opposition to googling trying to find out what it is and what it is not. When looking for better information search strategies I want to compare our search behaviour using  CMC based systems like Google with natural communication. This is the starting point. This may sound odd and completely off the record, but in fact I'm only re-joining a tradition that has started in the sixties and seventies at the Biological Computer Lab in Urbana Campaing by Gordon Pask

donderdag 19 maart 2009

E-reputation toolkit: Social Web Metasearch


The Socal Web is fantastic if it is built on top of social relations in the real world. Somebody discribed it ironically: "Twitter is for the friends you want to have while Facebook is for the friends you have had." I have no experience with Twitter, but research demonstrated that  Twitter is not a social network. About Facebook, Myspace... and alike, I can be positive, they are an extra channel for multimedia exchange. For some social Webs are the photo-book we had before... for the activists it's the place where they launche petitions.

A few years ago there was much ado about the long tail, a statistic concept from consumer demographics to describe the niche strategy of businesses, such as or Netflix, that sell a large number of unique items, each in relatively small quantities. A frequency distribution with a long tail has been studied by statisticians since at least 1946. The distribution and inventory costs of these businesses allow them to realize significant profit out of selling small volumes of hard-to-find items to many customers, instead of only selling large volumes of a reduced number of popular items. The group that purchases a large number of "non-hit" items is the demographic called the Long Tail.

The Long Tail might be valid for sites like Amazon and Ebay, it doesn't work in social networking. After all social relations are not built on consumer demographics. Maybe the popularity of politicians might work this way, but in politics today, nobody has real friends. So?  A study of Youtube showed that the long tail doesn't work on the social web. The popularity of videos on Yuotube follows rather the  blockbuster model. Based on the viewing habits of people I know that go to YouTube, this makes sense.  Many simply check out whatever is most popular, which becomes a self-perpetuating cycle.  Desaster tourism works the same way, people slowing down on the highway if there has been an accident. So, beware! It is passing. Once the mess is cleaned, nobody will be looking any longer.

In the real world 'trust building' gives stable results when one invests time, while a reputation is shallow and passing. Trust building' is a process that takes time. One has to give evidence of this truthfulness and trustworthiness, it's about quality. But on Internet things seem to be different. PR based reputation building seems to work all the time. It suffices to get in the picture without getting in jail and that's about it.  But keep in mind, it's about quantity and a self-perpetuating cycle, not about quality.

The tools I list here cost nothing. Look at them, but if you use them, keep in mind that long standing relations are built on trust not on reputation and that relations in the real world are not interchangeable.

woensdag 18 maart 2009

Google's one-way mirror: a business model for privacy invasion by Daniël Verhoeven


Author: Daniël Verhoeven

About the importance of Mirror neurons, also in CMC intention counts

Mirror Neurons were discovered in 1994 in the macaque brain by Gallese and Rizzolatti. What do Mirror Neurons do? They mirror observed actions:
"The observation of an object-related hand action leads to the activation of the same neural network active during its actual execution. Action observation causes in the observer the automatic activation of the same neural mechanism triggered by action execution." (Gallese, 2005).

In the years that follow, Gallese and others (also called the Parma Group because they all work at the university of Parma in Italy) explore the Mirror Neuron system. The Mirror Neuron system is also demonstrated in the human brain.

Google Begins Behavioral Targeting Ad Program « EFF by Kurt Opsahl

Published at EFF, 11 March , 2009 News Update

Author: Kurt Opsahl

Today Google launched its behavioral targeting ad program, which it calls "interest-based advertising." This move has been widely expected once Google completed its $3.1 billion acquisition of DoubleClick one year ago today.

The issues with behavioral advertising have been with us for over a decade (DoubleClick was founded in 1996, and privacy issues soon followed), and have grown as more people use more services online and more information has become available about your online behavior. Many, including EFF, are concerned about behavioral targeting because it means that information about how you use the web is collected, stored and associated with a cookie on your browser, which can track you across different websites and online services. One way to help protect your privacy is to clear cookies regularly. However, this is insufficient, because a new cookie would be written the next time your browser loaded a banner ad.

The most privacy protective solution would be to have behavioral targeting systems be based on the user's opt-in. To no one's surprise, Google has not gone down that road ("'Offering advertising on an opt-in basis goes against the economic model of the Internet,' Google spokesperson Christine Chen told the IDG News Service"), and we are not aware of any major player in online advertising that has an opt-in targeting system. Google has, however, done some things that make opt-out quite a bit better.

dinsdag 17 maart 2009

Six Tips to Protect Your Search Privacy « EFF

Published at EFF, September 2006
Google, MSN Search, Yahoo!, AOL, and most other search engines collect and store records of your search queries. If these records are revealed to others, they can be embarrassing or even cause great harm. Would you want strangers to see searches that reference your online reading habits, medical history, finances, sexual orientation, or political affiliation?

Recent events highlight the danger that search logs pose. In August 2006, AOL published 650,000 users' search histories on its website.1 Though each user's logs were only associated with a random ID number, several users' identities were readily discovered based on their search queries. For instance, the New York Times connected the logs of user No. 4417749 with 62 year-old Thelma Arnold. These records exposed, as she put it, her "whole personal life."2

Disclosures like AOL's are not the only threats to your privacy. Unfortunately, it may be all too easy for the government or individual litigants to subpoena your search provider and get access to your search history. For example, in January 2006, Yahoo!, AOL, and Microsoft reportedly cooperated with a broad Justice Department request for millions of search records. Although Google successfully challenged this request,3 the lack of clarity in current law leaves your online privacy at risk.

Suveilance Selfdefence Project « EFF [part 4]


Defensive Technology

If you are looking for basic technical information on how to protect the privacy of your data — whether it's on your own computer, on the wire, or in the hands of a third party — you've come to the right place. Although we hope you'll have the time to review all of the information in the SSD guide, if you're in a hurry to get to the technical details, this is where you can read articles that will explain:

Just remember: technology changes quickly. We'll be doing our best to keep these articles updated to reflect current developments, but in the meantime, you should take the time to review information from multiple sources before making any serious security decisions.

Suveilance Selfdefence Project « EFF [part 3]


What Can I Do To Protect Myself?

When we were talking about how to defend yourself against subpoenas and search warrants, we said, "If you don't have it, they can't get it." Of course, that's only partially true: if you don't have it, they can't get it from you. But that doesn't mean they might not be able to get copies of your communications or detailed records about them from someone else, such as your communications service providers or the people and services that you communicate with. Indeed, as we outlined in the last section, it's much easier as a legal matter for the government to obtain information from these third parties - often without probable cause or any notice to you. So, you also need to remember this lesson: "If someone else has stored it, they can get it." If you let a third party store your voicemail or email, store your calendar and contacts, back up your computer, or log your communications traffic, that information will be relatively easy for the government to secretly obtain, especially compared to trying it to get it from you directly. So, we'll discuss in this section how to minimize the content that you store with third parties. We've also asked you to "encrypt, encrypt, encrypt!" in the previous sections about protecting data on your computer and while you are communicating. The same holds true when protecting against the government getting your information from other people. Although ideally you will avoid storing sensitive information with third parties, using encryption to protect the data that you do store - such as the emails you store with your provider, or the files you back up online - can provide a strong line of defense. We'll talk in this section about how to do that. Communications content that you've chosen to store with a service provider isn't the only issue, though. There are also the records that those third parties are creating about your interactions with their services. Practically everything you do online will create records, as will your phone calls. So your best defense is to think before you communicate:

Suveilance Selfdefence Project « EFF [part 2]


Electronic Eavesdropping is Legally Hard for the Government, But Technically Easy

As you learned in the last section, wiretapping is legally difficult for the government: it must obtain a hard-to-get intercept order or "super-warrant" from a court, subject to strict oversight and variety of strong privacy protections. However, wiretapping is typically very technically easy for the government. For example, practically anyone within range of your laptop's wireless signal, including the government, can intercept your wireless Internet communications. Similarly, practically anyone within range of your cell phone's radio signal, including the government, can — with a few hundred bucks to buy the right equipment — eavesdrop on your cell phone conversations.

As far as communications that travel over telecommunications' companies cables and wires rather than (or in addition to) traveling over the air, the government has very sophisticated wiretapping capabilities. For example, using a nationwide surveillance system called "DCSNet" ("DCS" stands for "Digital Collection System") that is tied into key telecommunications switches across the country, FBI agents can from the comfort of their field offices "go up" on a particular phone line and start intercepting or pen-trap tapping wireline phone calls, cellular phone calls, SMS text messages and push-to-talk communications, or start tracking a cell phone's location, at a moment's notice. The government is believed to have similar capabilities when it comes to Internet communications. The extensive and powerful capabilities of the DCSNet, first uncovered in government documents that EFF obtained in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit (details at, are well-summarized in the article "Point, Click...Eavesdrop: How the FBI Wiretap Net Operates".

Suveilance Selfdefence Project « EFF [part 1]


The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has created this Surveillance Self-Defense site to educate the American public about the law and technology of government surveillance in the United States, providing the information and tools necessary to evaluate the threat of surveillance and take appropriate steps to defend against it.

Surveillance Self-Defense (SSD) exists to answer two main questions: What can the government legally do to spy on your computer data and communications? And what can you legally do to protect yourself against such spying?

After an introductory discussion of how you should think about making security decisions — it's all about risk management — we'll be answering those two questions for three types of data:

First, we're going to talk about the threat to the data stored on your computer posed by searches and seizures by law enforcement, as well as subpoenas demanding your records.

Second, we're going to talk about the threat to your data on the wire — that is, your data as it's being transmitted — posed by wiretapping and other real-time surveillance of your telephone and Internet communications by law enforcement.

Third, we're going to describe the information about you that is stored by third parties like your phone company and your Internet service provider, and how law enforcement officials can get it.

zondag 22 februari 2009

Google and net neutrality by Daniël Verhoeven


Author: Daniël Verhoeven, 22 feb 2009

Avant-propos: finding information on the web NOT using Google or any other search engine

A fortnight ago I planned to write an article about Google and contextual information search, the opposite of full text search (Google, Altavista, Yahoo search...). I started to collect information NOT using Google. I found out that one of my best friends in Belgium, Wim VDB - saw him on the birthday party of Francis - had made a small critical posting about Google privacy: 'Zoekmachines en uw Privacy'. When browsing his blog I stumbled on an article of Geert Lovink, I knew Geert a long time ago as a writer in Hactic... I wanted to reconnect. Using the tag, I found an article of him on Weizenbaum and Google search. Weizenbaum is a shared reference, one of the first well grounded critics of the information age. Since Weizenbauw was himself one of the architects of computer technology, he knows what he is talking about. Geert's  article was a tribute to Weizenbaum and also a kind of Google bashing. This article linked to another article in Eurozine this one from Daniel Leisegan, Das Google-Imperium and to Siva Vaidhyanathan's huge project:

The Googlization of Everything: 379 postings until now.

maandag 2 februari 2009

Militarisering van de Europese Middellandse Zee grenzen en de Mythe van de Afrikaanse invasie by Daniël Verhoeven


Daniël Verhoeven



Militarisering van de Europese Middellandse Zee grenzen

De oude muur en de nieuwe grenzen

De militaire opbouw (1990-1999)

Escalatie van een grensconflict (1999-2007)

Export van een repressief beleid

De mythe van een Afrikaanse invasie

De 'pan-Afrikaanse' migratie politiek van nationalistisch Libië en zijn gevolgen

De klandestiene migranten uit de Sub-Sahara in Marokko

De passeurs groot of klein grut?

Europa verliest zijn geloofwaardigheid en wakkert de xenofobie aan



De Europese politioneel/militaire aanpak van clandestiene migratie is uitgelopen op een humaan debacle. Het aantal bootvluchtelingen dat omkomt aan onze grenzen blijft constant. De behandeling van mensen zonder papieren als tweederangs burgers is een vorm van verdoken staatsracisme. In de nieuwe verblijfswet goedgekeurd door het Belgisch Parlement en gepubliceerd op 24/04/2007 spreekt men nog altijd van het terugdrijven van vreemdelingen die zich aan onze grenzen (transitzone luchthaven, haven) bevinden zonder geldige documenten, dwz een geldig inreisvisum of ander geldig document[1].

Door mensen zonder papieren te behandelen en af te schilderen als criminelen ontneemt men ze in feite alle rechten en stelt men ze bloot aan allerlei vormen van willekeur en uitbuiting (PICUM, 2007a, p. 5). Zo schuift de overheid de verplichting om de mensenrechten van de 'sans papiers' te respecteren van zich af.  Niet toevallig heeft geen enkel rijk West-Europees land de 'Conventie van de Rechten van Migranten en hun Families' (resolutie 45/158 van de UNO goedgekeurd op 18 December 1990) [2] geratificeerd. In 2006 was de Conventie nog maar door 3 Europese landen geratificeerd, namelijk Azerbeidzjan, Bosnië en Herzegovina en Turkije. Intussen is Albanië erbij gekomen. In de lijst van 37 landen die de Conventie geratificeerd hebben, zal je geen enkel rijk land terugvinden[3].

zondag 11 januari 2009

Covering Brussels Manifestation for Gaza 11 jan 2008

About 50,000 people marched in dignity in the European Capital to protest against the violence and breaching of human rights, the infractions of the Laws of War

more about "Covering Brussels Manifestation for G...", posted with vodpod

zondag 4 januari 2009

The Wings of the Carp

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