Google Vertaal

zondag 22 februari 2009

Google and net neutrality by Daniël Verhoeven


Author: Daniël Verhoeven, 22 feb 2009

Avant-propos: finding information on the web NOT using Google or any other search engine

A fortnight ago I planned to write an article about Google and contextual information search, the opposite of full text search (Google, Altavista, Yahoo search...). I started to collect information NOT using Google. I found out that one of my best friends in Belgium, Wim VDB - saw him on the birthday party of Francis - had made a small critical posting about Google privacy: 'Zoekmachines en uw Privacy'. When browsing his blog I stumbled on an article of Geert Lovink, I knew Geert a long time ago as a writer in Hactic... I wanted to reconnect. Using the tag, I found an article of him on Weizenbaum and Google search. Weizenbaum is a shared reference, one of the first well grounded critics of the information age. Since Weizenbauw was himself one of the architects of computer technology, he knows what he is talking about. Geert's  article was a tribute to Weizenbaum and also a kind of Google bashing. This article linked to another article in Eurozine this one from Daniel Leisegan, Das Google-Imperium and to Siva Vaidhyanathan's huge project:

The Googlization of Everything: 379 postings until now.